Understanding Shared Branching & ATMS
Legacy Community Federal Credit Union is a community based credit union in the Birmingham area. There are 8 different branches located throughout the Birmingham-Metro area, including branches in Alabaster, Hoover, and Trussville. There are also nineteen Legacy ATMs available for our members at all times.
If a member travels to a city without a Legacy Credit Union, there’s always a CO-OP ATM or shared branch close by. There are nearly 30,000 CO-OP ATMs and 5,000+ shared branches across the country. Shared branching is a service that allows Legacy members to use other credit unions, which are part of the CO-OP shared branching system, to withdraw, deposit, or conduct other financial business. This gives every member the opportunity to conduct transactions surcharge-free* while on the road. It’s just one of the many perks of joining the credit union family…
Check to see if there’s an ATM or Shared Branch in your location here:
CO-OP also provides many other ways to search:
- Download the CO-OP ATM/Shared Branch app, available on IPhones & Androids
- Text a Zip Code to 91989
- Call 888-837-6500 for personal assistance if you are a CO-OP Shared Branch Member
*Surcharge-free is when a credit union member can use certain ATMs across the country without paying a large surcharge fee.