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Check Back Soon for Summer Skip-A-Pay!

Deferrals can be made on any qualifying loans. One deferment is a maximum of 4 consecutive weeks. All deferments will begin the first full week of the month selected. The deferred payment and accrued interest will be made up at the end of the loan. Deferrals cannot be made on credit cards, Lines of Credit (LOC), or any type of mortgage loan, which includes home equity loans and home equity lines of credit. Your GAP coverage may be affected, if applicable.


  • All loan(s) must be current and all accounts must be in good standing
  • New loans must have a minimum of six monthly payments to be eligible
  • Max 1 skipped loan payment per loan, per Skip-a-pay promotional period
  • Max 2 skipped loan payments per loan, per calendar year (January 1 – December 31)
  • Cannot skip two consecutive months
  • $35 processing fee per loan must be in Legacy checking or savings account prior to submitting a Skip-a-pay request

*All requests must now be made using the secure online form. If your payment is automatically paid through payroll deduction or monthly transfer, please submit your form at least 10 days before the due date. 

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